英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0928 - 黄金周出游,你准备好败家了吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Holiday is Coming! Book Your Trip Now!

With the National Day Golden week approaching, a major survey conducted by travel websites such as Qunar and Tuniu found that half of Chinese tourists have booked their tour a month in advance. Topic2 Food Supplied to Hong Kong to be Sold in MainlandThe surplus food products supplied from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region will be sold in some first-tier cities next year.
Topic3 Chinglish Training Course for English Native SpeakersA Chinglish training program has been in hot demand in Canada. Instead of teaching Chinese people Standard English, the program aims to teach Chinese-style English to native English speakers. Is it plain ridiculous, or not?
Topic4 Loners are More Sociable, But Only on the InternetPosting constant status updates on weibo or wechat may be annoying for others, but a new study finds that oversharing on social network is also a sign of loneliness.