澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-03(在线收听

 The cloud band associated with a weakening front system and up trough is moving across the southwest of the country. Some high cloud associated with the system is also drifting across parts of Tasmania. Further north, the slow moving high pressure system is forming just off the New South Wales coast and is bringing clear conditions to surrounding states.

Looking around the country, it will be fine and sunny throughout Queensland too. Dry air and fresh winds will bring a severe fire danger in the northwest district, and very high danger over parts of the interior. New South Wales will be dry with very hot and warm conditions across the weekend. Victoria is looking dry, mostly sunny. A very warm to hot day expected. In Tasmania, there’s a very high fire danger in the eastern half of the state, and a severe fire danger in the southeast. South Australia will be dry and hot.
Western Australia will have showers in the southwest from / Bay to Raven’s Alp, clearing by the early afternoon. In the Northern Territory, there’s a severe fire danger in the Daily District. And a high to very high danger north of Tenant Creek. Looking ahead to tomorrow’s forecast for the capital cities, it will be sunny across Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart and Darwin. Sydney and Canberra, mostly sunny. It will be partly cloudy in Adelaide and Perth.