英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0930 - 酒后找代驾是"疯狂"的决定吗?(在线收听

 Topic1 Chinese Population May Face Sharp Drop from 2017According to Shanghai-based China Business News, China's birth rate is on the decrease and that population figures may fall starting from 2017.

Topic2 Pressure in Raising a ChildA new study published in the journal "Demography" says having a child can have a strong negative impact on a person's sense of happiness. The effect of a newborn is worse than experiencing a divorce, unemployment and even than the death of a partner.
Topic3 Shorter Primary School, Longer Middle SchoolIn Chengdu, some primary school students can graduate after the fifth grade and extend their middle school study to 4 years. Two middle schools have got the approval to start the trial of 4-year middle school system. Why did they want to shorten primary school period and extend secondary school period?
Topic4 Problematic Designated Driving ServiceThe domestic market of designated driving service has been booming, especially after drunk driving has been written into the criminal law. But there are some pretty serious problems in the industry. How can we solve these problems?