英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1014 - 周一周三都烦到不要不要的(在线收听

 Topic1-IELTS Examination CheatingSome test takers of the International English Language Testing System exam from late July to September have had their results "withheld permanently." Is it a signal that the examiners intend to stamp out cheating?

Topic2-Misery TimeToday is worldwide misery Wednesday. Yes, I know Monday has traditionally been thought of as the most miserable day of the week. Wednesday is also considered as one of the most miserable days of the week. Which one do you think is the worst? Topic3-9 Personal Information You Shouldn't Show offSome say we live in an internet age that you don't exist if you don't share online. But, Today we are gonna talk about the perils of sharing personal information online. There are 9 things that's best kept to yourself.
Topic4-Beijing to Provide Extra Services, Including Wi-Fi, in Public ToiletsThe bathroom is no longer a place for you just to do the usual business. Soon enough in Beijing in 14 thousand public restrooms, you'll be able to withdraw cash, charge you phone and even electric vehicles. My question here is how long does the municipality government want us to stay on the toilet?