澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-20(在线收听

 Thanks, Virginia. The Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will make his first major economic announcement this morning, unveiling the government’s response to the merry inquiry into financial services. The report released in December last year made wide-ranging recommendations for increased competition in banking, higher capital requirements and tight lending rules along with the reform of the superannuation industry. Human Rights Commissioner Julian Triggers has called for independent oversight of offshore immigration centers amid questions about a woman who’s sought abortion after claiming she was raped in Nauru. The 23-year-old Somali woman was flown to Australia for an abortion last week, but the Immigration Minister Peter Dutton says she decided not to go ahead with it and was sent back. Mr. Triggers has told late line the immigration minister may be telling the truth but the centers need more oversight.

“We have pictures of stories that simply don’t / up. And I think it makes much broader point that they lack of transparency, the secrecy with which we conduct this detention centers.”
Croatia has opened its border with Serbia to allow in thousands of stranded asylum seekers. About 3000 people have been stuck in the cold wet weather in the village on the border after Croatia moved to curb new arrivals.
And Tony Abbott has announced he’ll pay for a table that was smashed during a party held after losing his position as prime minister. It happened last night. Mr. Abbott said it was his /, so he’ll take full responsibility for all the damage.