英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—30(在线收听

 Ok, now I see why they all crowd.It's now possible to be both a Christian and a member of the Communist party. In fact, some government officials apparently think Christianity could help to protect the masses from the lure of selfish n* capitalistic greed. -Have you been a Christian for long time or are you a new convert?

-I was a member of the Communist party in the past. I also believed in God, but I didn't dare go to church. Later on, I heard the Communist party members can go to church, too. Now, even the Communist party believes in Christianity. I was surprised to see that the reenactment of the crucifixion inspired a really emotional response in people. After the service, I had a few minutes with minister Li Lanchong.