英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—32(在线收听

 But religious Chinese could only practise their faith with the state approval. This is still a country of control. On this journey along the Yangtze river we really encountered the official religion in China. In the far west of the country, there are islamic separatist groups and many muslims in China say they suffer oppression. Of course famously or infamously the Chinese government cracked down heavily on Falungong movement, which many of its practitioner see as being a spiritually religious organization. So if you are a member or if you are a practitioner of one of the official religions, it seems there is a lot of increased openness and awareness and people are turning to those religions. If you fall outside that framework, it seems you could encounter a lot of problems with the state. It will take about four hours to drive the two hundred miles from Nanjing to Shanhai. But on China's super modern bullet trains, I hardly had time for a nap. With a population of more than 24 million, Shanhai is by some measurements not just the biggest ciy on the Yangtze but one of the biggest on earth.
