英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—33(在线收听

 -It's like a cathedral.-It's the biggest in China. China could soon overtake America to become the largest economy in the world. So the moral and ethical values chosen by people here to guide them are by extension their country, will have enormous impact on the entire planet. Here was our last night on the road, and Lily wanted to take me to one of her favourite restaurants. -New Age Veggie? A vegetarian restaurant?

-Yeah, you will see it very different. Come on!
-But I'm a committed carnivore.
-Not a Buddhist restaurant, is it?
-Yes. -Ah, very nice, Lily.
-That's ever right, by the window.
-And menu on the iPad. By 21st century.
-This is just menu. Do you want to, you know, explore the new dishes?
-Oh, I see. Okay, so the dishes, they look like meat, stewed veggie pork course. That's meant to be vegetarians s** and **.
-It looks real, right?
-That's pretty real.
-After this meal, you will think you will have more possibility to become a vegetarian.
-Oh, you think so? -Yeah.
-You are looking to convert me to vegetarians, aren't you?