
 Dear Annie:

My wife of 15 years and I are at an impasse. A year ago, her 30-year-old daughter, "Carol," moved in with us and brought her dogs along.
Carol has a good job, but contributes nothing and has absolutely no responsibilities. Her mother and I do her laundry and cook her meals, feed and walk the dogs, and clean up the fur and poop. Carol goes to work and hangs out with her friends. She is living the good life while we do everything for her.
Shouldn't adult children contribute both financially and by helping out? I have talked this over with my wife, but she will not change her stance. I am seriously thinking of leaving her. Maybe I could find someone willing to take responsibility for me so I can live the good life, too. - Larry Is LosingDear Larry:
A loving parent does not encourage an adult child to live like a little princess at home. Your wife is being selfish. If she cared more for Carol's welfare than her own emotional needs, she'd tell her daughter to find her own place. At the very least, Carol should be paying rent and taking care of her dogs, meals and laundry. Explain this to your wife, and tell her how close you are to walking out.