访谈录 迪斯尼女星黛米·洛瓦托发新单曲(在线收听

We are here now with our friend Demi Lovato. She just released her fifth studio album "Confident" which debuted at number two -- congratulations -- on the billboard 200 and she's gonna perform in just a moment. But first let's chat, Demi. Hello. I love the title of your album. It pretty much sums it up. You say when you were first starting out in this career you didn't have control. Now, "Confident" is just the beginning. Yeah, you know, with this album, I've dealt with a lot of things in my life. But I think one struggle that is so common that everybody has dealt with -- at some point or another is confidence. So I wanted to empower people with this message of inspiring people and trying to empower them. Empowerment, inspirational. We love your makeup-free Mondays. You're in such a good open place. I mean take a look at what you did at "Vanity Fair." I mean that was incredible. No clothes, no retouching, no makeup. I mean that is confidence. Pretty much as confident and bare as you can get. This is me. You know, take it or leave it. Yeah. And that's your message. Now you're performing at the AMAS on November 22nd…I am. …on ABC. What can why expect? Well, you can probably expect my newest single "Confident"…That's exciting. …that I’m playing for you guys, and hopefully a really confident performance. I'm confident that it's gonna be confident. You and Nick Jonas are actually major big tour announcement here on "Good morning America." 
