澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-11-08(在线收听

 The Reserve Bank has slashed its inflation forecast for the next six months but sees better economic conditions ahead. In its quarterly statement on monetary policy, the RBA says underlined inflation is now expected to be around 2% for the most of next year, down from 2.5% previously. The bank pointed to a range of improving indicators from employment to vacancies, business surveys and trade data. However, it highlighted slowing growth in China and Asia in general as key risks to the Australian economy. Interest rates have been at 2% since May. Analysts are reading this statement as that’s where rates will stay.

The Australian share market pushed higher despite losses in mining and energy stocks. The All Ordinaries added 0.4% as did the ASX 200 Index. BHP Billiton and Woodside Petrol were among the worst performers. ANZ traded without its dividend, and the ports in logistics operator Asciano is in / after the Rockfield has counted cubs 20% stake in the company with a 15% stake of its own. The Australian dollar is worth 71.4 US cents. Shares in Australia’s biggest mining firm BHP Billiton ended down sharply after a disaster it mine part owns in Brazil and another fall in commodity prices. There are unconfirmed reports that up to 16 people died when a taming-down burst at the Samarco iron ore operation.