英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1030 - 二孩时代到了,你敢生吗?(在线收听

 Topic 1: China to Allow Two Children for All CouplesChina will allow all couples who want to have two children, abandoning its 3-decade-long one-child policy. It will further ease China's family planning policy after the country said that couples are allowed to have two children if one of them is an only child in 2013. Here comes the question, what effects will this policy shift bring to our daily lives? And what does it mean for our nation?

Topic2-Travel Police to be Set up in YunnanSouthwest China's Yunnan Province will establish a new division in the police force—that is the travel police. These police officers shall guarantee the quality of travel service and protect Yunnan's image as a famous tourist attraction. What is travel police? Do we need them?
Topic3-Weird PunishmentsA college tutor asks his students to write a super complicated Chinese character with 56 strokes a thousand times as punishment for being late for class. Is such a punishment effective? Have you been victim of other weird punishments?