英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1102 - 浪费食物该不该罚?(在线收听

 Topic 1: Uncaring Parents to be Deprived of Child Custody RightsUnder the new child protection regulation that took effect on January 1 this year, parental custody can be taken away in seven circumstances and civil affairs department will assume the obligation instead of the natural parents. Though it is still rare in China, the country is planning to expand the trials of doing so. In what situation parents would be deprived of custody right? And is there any obstacle in carrying out the new guideline?

Topic 2: Are You There?
Communication has never been so convenient today as people can always get connected with each other on Wechat or QQ on their smart phone. "Are you there?" is a usual way for starting a conversation. However, some dislike been asked so. How do you feel about this?
Topic 3: Should Gay and Les Get Married or Not?
With the traditional idea of people should get married at a certain age, there is a huge social pressure for people with homosexuality. Though things are changing gradually, many of them end up with marriages of convenience. Is there any problem of doing so?
Topic 4 Fine on Food WasteSix tourists who bit off more than they can chew have been fined 2400 yuan for wasting food. The huge sum of the fine has triggered a public debate about whether restaurant owners have the authority to impose a fine for food wastage.