英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1104 - 爱着同一个男人的两个女人如何相处?(在线收听

 Topic1-More Students Choose to Study Abroad at Younger AgeMore and more Chinese students are studying abroad, and at a younger age. As the latest figure shows 30% of them are high school students. Some eager Chinese parents even want their children to enroll into a foreign elementary school or kindergarten. When's a good time to send your children studying overseas? Is studying abroad a great idea?

Topic2-Wifi Master Key? A Big No NoAre you always asking for the WiFi password when you're out and about? Then you may find Wifi Master Key extremely useful. It helps smart phone users to search for, connect with and manage their WiFi access. But is it really safe?
Topic3-Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-lawThe relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been complicated. It can make or break a marriage in China.
Topic4-Do One of the Parent Need to Quit for Child's School Education?
With the country allowing every couple to have two children, will it make more sense for one parent to stay at home? That coupled with the fact of education reform, helping your kid to finish homework is a demanding job in its own right. As some parents moan and groan: are schools effectively asking parents to become a stay-at-home parent?