英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1109 - 单身都怪入错行(在线收听

 Topic1-China Will Build World-Class Universities in the Next 5 YearsChina's State Council has set a 5-year plan for the country's universities to become "world-class." The strategic plan will kick off in 2016.

What is a "world class university"? What needs to be done in order to achieve such an ambitious goal?
Topic2- How Are the "Post-90s" Different from the "Post-80s?"China's portal website Tencent publishes on the characteristics of the "post-90s" generation. It also makes a comparison with the "post-80s" generation. ("Post-90s" refers to people born between the year 1990 and 2000.)Topic3-11 Careers Perspective Partners Shun the MostI don't mean to remind you that Singles' Day is just around the corner. Will you be celebrating it alone? A latest report indicates that maybe the reason you are without a partner is because…of your job.
According to the 2015 singleton occupation list, civil servants and reporters are among the 11 occupations that prospective partners shun the most. Why do those highly-admired professions in the past become undesirable?
Topic4-New Rule on Campus: Do Not Feed Each Other at the School CafeteriaJilin Jianzhu University announces a new university campus rule: it prohibits student couples from feeding each other at the university cafeteria.