英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1110 - 来大姨妈还上什么班!(在线收听

 The First Half Hour: Heyang talks with Dr. Lauren Speeth about social entrepreneurshipDr. Lauren Speeth is an entrepreneurial technologist, author, and filmmaker.

She is founding CEO of The Elfenworks Foundation, "In Harmony with Hope?," she has assembled a team of social entrepreneurs of the highest caliber, with deep and far-ranging expertise in multimedia outreach, computers and technology, music, film, management, law, finance, education, human development and social justice.
Topic1-How about a Day off for Painful Periods?
Women who suffer great pain during menstruation period may get a one-day paid leave in Guangdong province. Authorities are collecting public opinions on this proposal. Do you think it's feasible?
Topic2-Competitive Walking: It's All in the RankingAided by the growth of mobile Internet and the boom in social media, competitive walking is the new cult of the fitness-conscious urbanite in China. Tracking devices not only allow devotees to record their steps, they make it easy to share the data on social media sites.