英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1111 - 双十一,你剁了几只手?(在线收听

 Topic1-Singles Day Shopping HolidayToday is the day for singletons to mourn the fact they are without partner, or simply buy stuff to make you feel better. Joking apart, Single's Day has now morphed into the day people go online to shop, often with their office computer. Alibaba said sales broke through 57.6 billion Yuan up to 12 o'clock. Single's Day has proven to be an orgy of commerce, but here's my question for you: do we need it?

Topic2-Chinese Students in Germany Crazy for Overseas PurchaseSome Chinese students in Germany have been spending more time on oversea purchases than pursuing their degree. The extreme case being students drop out of university to focus on oversea purchase. This has caught the attention of Shi Mingde, Chinese Ambassador to Germany, who reprimands students for neglecting their studies. Is it OK for students to do this?
Topic3-Woman Sues Beijing EMS for Gender DiscriminationA female jobseeker wins a gender discrimination case after being denied a delivery driver position. The Beijing branch of Express Mail Service, who claims they have never hired a female driver before, has been ordered to pay the woman several thousand Yuan as compensation. Is sexual discrimination still prevalent at workplace?