
 Prostate cancer typically affects men over the age of sixty-five. The cancer develops slowly and usually shows no early symptoms. When it does begin to show, symptoms can include frequent and painful urination, and sometimes blood in the urine. When caught early, prostate cancer can be controlled with hormones and anticancer drugs. But if not treated at an early stage, prostate cancer can spread to the ribs, pelvis, and other bones. Some studies have linked high animal fat diets to the likelihood of developing prostate cancer. In China, where people generally eat less fatty foods, incidences of prostate cancer occur at a far lower rate than in the United States, where high fat diets are common. Studies have also shown that tomato-based foods help protect against prostate cancer. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that inhibits the production of cancer-causing free radicals and unstable molecules. Diet aside, the best way to combat prostate cancer is to catch it early on. Regular screenings during checkups can mean the difference between a controllable cancer and a fatal disease.
