NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2015-11-12(在线收听

 A bill limiting the White House's ability to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay is heading to the President's desk. As NPR's EC reports, both Republican-controlled chambers of Congress are determined to block Obama from closing the prison. The president has promised to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay before he leaves office in 2017 but congress has once again passed a bill hindering him from doing just that. A measure authoring more than 600 billion dollars in defensive funding has easily cleared both House and Senate and it continues a ban on transferring Guantanamo detainees to the US. It also prevents them from getting sent to Libya, Syria,Yemen and Somalia. with more than 100 detainees remaining at the facility, restrictions on Guantanamo transfers make shutting down the military prison much harder. So now it's up to the White House to decide whether it will sign this defensive bill into law. EC, NPR news, the Capitol.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he had a good meeting with president Obama yesterday and is counting on the US to help maintain Israel's military edge over regional rivals. NPR's MK says Netanyahu spoke to Jewish groups a day after visiting the White House. Israeli prime minister seems keen to move from a period of sharp differences with the Obama administration over the Iran nuclear deal. 'America and Israel can and should work together now to ensure Iran comply with the deal, to curb Iran's regional aggression and to fight Iranian terrorism around the world.' Prime minister Netanyahu says the US plays in his words 'an indispensable aid to Israel' although he said his country is giving back in other ways, providing the US with intelligence. He is here in Washington to talk about a ten-year military aid package at the time when the Mid East is becoming more dangerous. MK, NPR news, the State Department.
British prime minister David Cameroon today outlined four areas of change he wants from the EU. His proposals, ahead of an upcoming in/out referendum include cutting the total burden on business and allowing capitals, goods and services to flow more freely around the EU. Cameroon also says EU countries need greater controls to manage the influx of refugees and migrants traveling across the continent. We do need some addition measures to address wider reviews and the right to free movement within Europe and to reduce the very high flow of people coming to Britain from across all of Europe. Cameroon also wants a red line around national security, declaring it the soul responsibility of individual state. Stocks on Wall Street are trading mixed at this hour. The Dow&Jones industrial leverages up 18 points at 17747. The NASDAQ down 11 points. The S&P up 2. You're listening to NPR news in Washington.
Former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt has died at his home in Hamburger at the age of 96 from an infection. NPR's SS reports the popular west German leader was famous for chain smoking menthol cigarettes ands his tough stances in the Cold War agains home-grown terrorism. Helmut Schmidt became chancellor in 1974 and for 8 years sharpened West Germany to become a global economic powerhouse. Many Germans and western leaders praised him for his toughness toward the former Soviet Union. Even so, he supported for US missiles being deployed on Germany soil eventually caused him deposed. Chancellor Angle Merkel called Schmidt a German political institution whose opinions and guidance were important to her. And French president Francois Orlando said Europe has lost a great European. Those sentiments would likely have pleased who spoke in the past with ARD television. The former chancellor said being remembered someday for having done a good job would mean a lot to him. SS, NPR news, Berlin.
A flight attendants strike at Lufthansa may expand to tomorrow that would affect all of the German airlines' flights. A union representing flight attendants are calling for its members to walk off the job over a growing dispute about benefits. The strike began Friday at Germany's three main airports and so far tens of thousands of passengers have been affected by the cancellations. Lufthansa has confirmed that all of its flights from Germany would be affected from 4 am Wednesday until midnight Friday. I'm WJ and you're listening to NPR news in Washington.