英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1112 - 没钱也要买买买!(在线收听

 Topic1-60% of Beijing-educated "Outsiders" Want to Leave BeijingA recent survey shows 60 percent of Beijing-educated non-locals say they will leave the capital in the future. Does this mean that first-tier cities have become less attractive for university graduates?

Topic2-Donation from Tobacco CompaniesChina's first draft of charity law is collecting public opinions. It bans any organization or person to use charity donation as a method to promote tobacco products, manufacturers and sellers. What's more, some experts call on the law to ban cigarettes companies to make charity donations. Is it charity or hypocrisy?
Topic3-Online Credit ServiceCollege students are a major group of consumers of online shopping; they pretty much buy everything online. Some use credit cards and also a new online financial product that offers online credit loans. It sounds great at the first glimpse, but does it open the students to great financial risks in the future?
Topic4-Primary Schools Ban Outdoor Playing during RecessKicking shuttlecock, rope skipping, and throwing sandbags during the class break have been fond childhood memories for many of us. But these days, some students in primary schools in Beijing are kept in the classroom during recess. Why do teachers ban them to play outdoors?