英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1116 - 机器人记者会替代人类记者吗?(在线收听

 Topic1-Charity Law: more donationsA draft of China’s Charity Law has been considered by the countries’ top legislative body for initial discussion. It proposes individuals cannot ask for donation from the public unless they receive approval from the government. If it is enacted, will desperate individuals lose the most vital and effective avenue to ask for help?

Topic2-JD.com to close C2C marketplace to curb fake goodsChina's online retailer JD.com will shut down the online customer-to-customer (C2C) platform Paipai.com in three months in order to fight fake goods. Problems with fake and poor-quality products sold online have attracted complaints for years. But is it the real reason for the shutdown of paipai?
Topic3-Robot JournalistRobots are invading our society, assisting or even replacing human beings in many fields. This month a robot journalist has officially been employed by Xinhua News Agency. How does the robot write articles? Will it replace human reporters?
Topic4-How about having lunch with your teacher?
For 6 years, Zhang Xiaomei, a teacher at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics has bought her students more than 700 lunches. She says she gets to know her students during these meals. Is this a good way to foster teacher-student relationship?