英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1117 - 二胎会让精子库更供不应求吗(在线收听

 Topic1-Mutually Assisted Blood DonationLocal news media in Beijing and Jilin Province have reported that family members of patients had to rely on mutually assisted blood donation to get blood transfusion for patients. This is all because of blood shortage in hospitals. What can be done to solve this problem?

Topic2-Two-child policy puts pressure on sperm banksChina's sperm banks have long faced donor shortages. And now a government proposal to end the country's nearly three decades long one-child policy may put more pressure on these institutions.
According to a report carried this week by Jiangxi Daily, a growing number of couples with fertility problems have visited local hospitals and sperm banks for consulting since the policy change.
Topic3-West Lake Historical Residence Turned into McCaféThe main building of Chiang Ching-kuo’s former residence in Hangzhou has been turned into a McDonald’s fastfood outlet. A Starbucks coffee shop occupies the side wing of the residence.
Should Western fast-food stores be allowed at historical sites?
Topic4-Top 10 most difficult languageMany languages have been claimed to be the toughest one to learn. Here are ten candidates for the title of "hardest language to learn," as released by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. After our discussion, see if you find these languages are worth their "tough as nails" reputation.