英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1118 - 你能蹲而不倒吗?(在线收听

 Topic1-Inclusive EducationA primary school student with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD has been forced to leave school in Henan Province. This is the result of over 40 parents making a joint request saying the hyperactive child could affect their children’s education. Does it mean that in an age when inclusive education is mainstream in developed countries, China is left way behind?

Topic2-Dianguan APPHave you had an unpleasant experience of dealings with government departments? If you do, you can now file a complaint on an APP named Dazhongdianguan. Will it help to promote better public services?
Topic3-Delivery Firms Face Slew of New RulesThe central government is coming up with stricter rules to regulate the booming delivery industry, which has been largely buoyed by the growth in Chinese e-commerce. New proposed regulation includes a fine of 50 thousand Yuan for rough-handling parcels. Will it work?
Topic4-The Asian SquatSquatting is a familiar posture for a lot of Chinese people. It even has a proper name called the Asian squat. And it’s not for everyone. An online survey says many western adults simply cannot perform the pose accordingly. Why is it? Can you do the Asian squat? 