英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1119 - 《幽灵党》会是最后一部007吗?(在线收听

 Topic1: Will Beijingers go to Tianjin for their retired life?

According to a recent agreement signed by civil administration departments of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, in the future, Beijing citizens can choose any of the three places to live after retirement and enjoy same pension and subsidies. Will Beijingers move to Tianjin or Hebei to enjoy their retired life?
Topic2: 007 Spectre007 Spectre is the latest in the British spy film series. It is the second James Bond film directed by Sam Mendes, and the fourth film starring Daniel Craig. Despite decent results in the box office, all evidence suggests this is going to be the last Bond film, is it true?
Topic3: O2O service popular on campusAs online-to-offline service become increasingly popular on university campuses, many college students are really enjoying this type of applications. They can order everything without the trouble of venturing out of their dormitory. But some experts are worried that this will lead to students’ isolation from the real society. Is the worry necessary?
Topic4: Can you make friends by giving likes on WeChat?
WeChat has offered people a new way to connect by giving likes to each other. Many articles on how to improve your social skills are circulating on the social media. They are enthusiastically telling you to like every moment posted by the people who are “useful” to you. Is it true? Can you make friends by giving many likes?