英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1123 - 婚前同居=保障幸福婚姻?(在线收听

 Topic1-Doctors Medical GroupDoctors and investors have launched dozens of medical groups that could pose challenge to the current public hospital system. It is said the groups give doctors more freedom and offer patients better access to medical resources. How does a doctor medical group operate? Will it benefit the doctors and patients alike?

Topic2-Beware of 'Fake' Home Moving FirmsMany home moving companies on internet or mobile apps are fake! Recent complaints suggest workers of these companies ask for exorbitant fees on the spot or refuse to pay for damages. What are these phony home moving firms? How can you identify them?
Topic3-More Chinese Couples Cohabit before MarryingA new report has revealed the current state of marriage among the Chinese people. The survey shows that young married couples are more likely to have moved in together before marriage. Why is that?
Topic4-Chinese Women Getting FatterAccording to an article published in the British newspaper The Telegraph, Chinese women are 'fatter' than ever before. But most have no intention to exercise. They'd take diet pills instead. Is it true?