英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1125 - 川菜需要标准化吗?(在线收听

Topic1-Ill Passenger Waits after Landing before Leaving for Life-saving SurgeryA passenger fell ill on a flight to Beijing. But the crew and the airport emergency care personnel unit were too busy shirking responsibility than rescuing the passenger. The sick passenger climbed out of the aircraft himself to for medical assistance. What should be done during such an emergency on flight?
Topic2-Drone Flying Will Face Stricter MonitoringDrone owners and fans in China can expect a tough time after the People's Liberation Army Air Force has pledged to tighten monitoring of such aircraft.
Topic3-Is It Reasonable to Set Standards for Sichuan Cuisine?
The Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Sichuan Province sets a 12-bullet point standard for Sichuan cuisine. The standards not only cover well-known dishes such as fish-flavored shredded pork but also ingredients such as sausages. Is it reasonable to set standards for Sichuan Cuisine?
Topic4-Rise of Solo Living in ChinaHuman societies, at all times and places, have organized themselves around the will to live with other people. But not anymore.
A report by China National Radio has focused on the country's skyrocketing number of people living alone, highlighting more than 58 million one-person households.