

AK Party member of parliament, Nesrin Ulema is rallying the party faithful.


The party needs to score heavily in opposition strongholds like Izmir if it is to achieve its goal.


Ulema,is confident they have a broad appealing message.


"We are initiating a period with giant projects aimed at our people but at the same time that will keep us in the competition with the world.


A decade of economic prosperity has been key to AK Party success and broad appeal, even in opposition strongholds. But the economy is now slowing.


In areas, which traditionally offer strong AK support, there are complains.


The AK Party is also running its first election without its charismatic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is now president.


Ahmet Davutoglu is the leader facing the challenge, says Betul Durmaz, a teacher of sociology at Izmir's Gediz University.


"Recep Tayyip Erdogan was a very strong leader and right now we saw that Davutoglu is still doing lots of mistakes. For that reason voters are still confused who is the leader of the AKP."


"This is the biggest secret behind AK party, which resulted in its 14 years in power and success in 9 consecutive elections.Our party has about 4 million female members, and behind all of our political success lies house visits of our women branches and women members."


Ulema is using this strategy to the fullest.


"These visits are great.We can talk about problems, face-to-face."


Izmir is a staunchly secular city whose voters fear the growing conservatism of the current government.



So the ruling party is pressing hard to make inroads in this city using its grassroots canvassing in the living rooms of the electorate.

