好听的英文歌曲:The Ocean and Me - Sophie Zelmani(在线收听

甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani,来自北欧瑞典的她,从1995年开始,情感纤细、纯净亲切而动人的声音,征服了全球的广大歌迷Sophie Zelmani的音乐犹如纪录了她的成长心路,08年的《The Ocean and Me》依然是大家所期待的,首曲The Ocean And Me以钢琴做开幕式,清碎的铃铛拍打着,意境的旋律仿佛在岁月的积淀中。

It's the ocean and me

We're the ones to be

I always fall asleep

Beside the sea

And we've got a certain way

How it wakes me every day

I never know though

With what kind of wave

And you know about oceans

How brutally it can rush

Drown you, or calmly caress you
With a gentle touch

Sometimes I bring my boat
And I believe it'll let me float
It's just that I'm so often
Returning soaked

The ocean has you
Has the waves of you
And I have never felt a sea
So blue
