
Nobody could attract women like James Bond. They just couldn’t resist his manly qualities, like his penchant for dodging bullets, or leaping from airplanes. Well, those old Bond movies look kind of silly these days, especially the dim-witted female characters who fawn all over Bond at the drop of a hat. But there’s something interesting going on here. The suggestion seems to be that males who take risks are more attractive to females. Studies done on another species — guppies — suggest just such a mechanism for the attractiveness of risk-taking. Researchers Lee Dugatkin and Jean-Guy Godin noticed a fish equivalent of risk-taking behavior: when a predator is introduced into the tank, male guppies swim up to it. The females watch from a distance. The guppy that swims closest to the predator, without being eaten, is then regarded as more attractive by the females. It gets more mates.
