

delight使愉快,spot发现,honor system诚信制度


Can Be Trusting?

Everything about country customs delighted my neighbors who had moved to our small town from the city. Then one day they spotted a sign, “Fresh Eggs for Sale,” at a roadside stand where payment was on the honor system.

“Why can’t everyone be this trusting?” they said as they put their money in a box and took a carton. When they got home and opened it, they found 11 eggs.





1.trusting容易相信的。the trusting nature of a small child幼儿轻信的天性。She’s not a trusting girl.她不是个轻易相信别人的人。

2.custom习俗。也可以指“顾客”:I shall withdraw my custom from that shop.我再也不去那家店铺买东西了。它还可以指“海关”:How long will it take us to pass the Customs?通过海关检查要花费我们多少时间?也可以作形容词用,是“定制的”的意思:custom shoes定做的鞋子

3.spot发现。spot a mistake发现错误;He was the first to spot the danger.他是第一个发觉险情的人。“使有污渍”:His trousers were spotted with mud.他的裤子上有泥渍。

4.payment付款/支付的款项。a cheque payment for rent支付房租的支票;payment in advance预付;payment in arrear拖欠。When can I expect payment?什么时候可以付我钱?

5. honor system诚信制度,指出于信任而不加监督的制度,如学校的无监考考试制、监狱的无看守监禁制等等。Self-service stores must run on the honor system.自助商店必须采用无人监督的诚信制。

6.carton纸盒。a carton of cigarettes一条香烟;a carton of milk 一盒牛奶。也可以作动词,是“用纸盒装”的意思:cartoned dairy products盒装奶制品。
