
Ya?l: So here's a question for our listeners: If there were a potion that would allow you      to stay young forever, would you take it?
Don: That seems obvious, Ya?l. Who wouldn't want to recapture their youth?
Y: I'm not so sure the answer is obvious, Don. Because research has shown the older      you get, the calmer and happier you tend to be.
D: Wait a sec, old age is hard. There's disease, and loneliness, and depression...
Y: True. I'm not saying that being old is easy. But social scientists at the University of      Texas have found that overall, aging is associated more with positive, passive      emotions instead of negative, active emotions.
D: Passive emotions?
Y: Yes, emotions can be passive and active as well as positive and negative. So, for      example, feeling calm is a passive emotion. And it's also usually seen as positive.      Anxiety and anger, on the other hand, are clearly negative emotions. And at least in      many cases they're also active.
D: Can't anger be passive, like when someone is passive aggressive?
Y: Sure, but the point is that, in general, aging seems to make us more emotionally      passive. And being passive seems to correlate more with positive emotions like calm      and contentment. It's not clear why aging has this effect, but maybe it's because when      you're older you're no longer trying to prove yourself, no longer as anxious about      getting ahead. Although, to be fair, the researchers found that the richer and more      educated you are, the more you experience positive emotions.
D: Still, it's a comforting idea. Maybe growing old isn't so bad.
Y: In fact, it might be pretty good.   