
In lab tests, the booby trapped bandages have worked well against a few kinds of toxic bacteria. The researchers tested the bandages by exposing them to two types of harmful bacteria and one harmless type. The harmless, non aggressive bacterium thrived, growing rapidly on the fabric. But the harmful, toxic bacteria did not. They were kept in check, the researchers believe, by the antibiotics released when the bacterium attacked the bandage’s cell like vessels. It remains to be seen, though, if the bandages will work in real life situations, where wounds attract and harbor many different types of harmful bacteria. Some harmful bacteria may not make the sort of vessel eroding toxins the researchers are counting on. And some benign bacteria may trigger the vessels at the wrong time. Plus, some bacteria live deep inside a wound where a bandage would have no effect. Ultimately, further research will determine whether or not the booby-trapped bandages will help defeat harmful bacteria.
