



Two Apples

Harry was given two apples, a small one and a large one, by his mum. "Share them with your sister," she said.

So Harry handed over the small one to his little sister and started tucking into the large one.

"Cor!" Grumbled his sister . "If mum had given them to me, I'd have given you the large one and had the small one myself."

"Well," said Harry. "That’s what you've got, so what are you worrying about?"








1.share分享,分担。share responsibility分担责任;share sb.’s troubles as well as sb.’s joys与某人同甘共苦;share a flat with sb.与某人合用一套公寓。They shared a laugh.他们一起大笑起来。share one’s conclusion with sb.把自己的结论告诉某人。“分开”:a cake shared into fragments分成小块的蛋糕。

2.hand over递给。还有“移交”的意思:The thief was handed over to the police.小偷已经移交给警方。

3.tuck大吃。tuck away a big meal大吃一餐。tuck有很多含义,比如“把…折起”:She tucked up her skirt fro wading.她撩起裙子以便涉水。“塞进”:His mother tucked up his quilt.他的母亲给他把被子掖好塞紧。

4.cor老天爷,是God的变体。表示这类感叹的词或短语还有:My gosh! Good Lord! Jesus!

5.grumble抱怨,发牢骚。grumble about the quality of goods埋怨商品质量不行。“发出轰隆声”:Thunder grumbled in the distance.远处雷声隆隆。The high cost of living was his daily grumble.生活费用高昂是他一天到晚抱怨的原因。
