英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1203 - 男人每个月总有那么几天......(在线收听

 Topic1-Basic Endowment InsuranceA recent report shows more than 20 % of people under the age of 30 are not covered by the basic endowment insurance, accounting for 70.9% of uninsured people of all age groups. Why are young people turning away from the basic pension insurance? Is it a problem?

Topic2-World's Best Student Cities 2016As the world continues to deal with the aftermath of the Paris attacks, the French capital has again topped the QS Best Student Cities Rankings. It is followed by Melbourne and Tokyo. Beijing ranks the 25th. So what makes a student-friendly city?
Topic3-Super-cheap Down Jackets Sold OnlineFinding a cheap deal is almost guaranteed in online shopping, at least that's what a lot of internet shoppers believe in.
But, when you see down jackets or overcoats sold for 10 Yuan online, wouldn't you wonder how can it be so dirt cheap?
Topic4-Quarter of Men Believe They Have 'Man Periods'
A British study says a quarter of English men believe that they experience a monthly 'man period'. Meanwhile, a more shocking statistic is that 58% of their female partners believed them. Really?