英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1204 - 赫扬拒绝了罗总的表白!(在线收听

Topic1-Elderly Couple Take Turns Sitting in Freezing Cold to Guard Parking Space for SonPhotos depicting an old couple sitting out in the cold and guarding two parking spaces in turn for their son have caused a huge stir online. Besides the filial issues, should we pay more attention to the poor management of public parking space?
Topic2-Children's Wealth EducationPrimary school children in China's top-tier cities have shown surprising financial maturity according to a test conducted by Alibaba's financial arm Ant Financial. Is wealth management education necessary for children or do you see it's promoting money-worship to kids?
Topic3-Chinese People's Health ConcernAccording to data analysis by news portal Toutiao.com, weight loss, diabetes, cancer, nutrition and traditional Chinese medicine are among the most searched topics for health-conscious Chinese people. What are the health issues that bother the Chinese most? What's your concern?
Topic4-Bigger Height Difference, Happier MarriageA recent study from Konkuk University in Seoul, South Korea, found that the greater the height difference between a couple, the happier the wife is. Is that true?