
user posted image【电信用户1】在线播放和下载Download mp3【电信用户2】下载Download mp3【网通/教育网用户】下载Download mp3In this Moment of Science Don and Yael discuss more evidence of the dangers of talking on cell phones--hands-free or not--while driving.   D: It's time for a new feature on our show, called I Got the Data. This is where I say      something that a smart-alec at a party would no doubt disagree with, and then I      triumph by having data to back it up. Yael will play the smart-alec. Ready?
Y: Ready.
D: Nice party, huh? I love these chips.
Y: Mmm-hmm.
D: You know, on the way over here I saw this guy talking on a cell phone while driving.      That's got to be dangerous.
Y: No it isn't. Only idiots can't drive and talk at the same time.
D: But your hands are off the wheel.
Y: I got one of those no-hands cell phones you can mount in a car. Don't believe what      anybody says. They're completely safe.
D: Unfortunately for you, smart-alec, I Got the Data.
Y: You what?
D: A study done by a psychologist and an engineer at the University of Rhode Island      had volunteers wear eye-tracking devices while they drove. The researchers found      that a driver's eyes move around a lot--we scan the road, check our speedometers,      and stay alert for surprises. When talking on a cell phone at the same time, though,      eye motions fell to almost zero--the subjects simply stared at the bumper ahead of      them.
Y: Yeah?
D: The issue seems to be not talking on the phone per se but concentrating on a second      task, such as making a decision with the person on the other end of the line. When      we do that, we take our mental energy away from driving. And that's dangerous!
Y: I knew that.
D: Mmm-hmm.  