英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1208 - 主要看气质(在线收听

 Topic1-Ex-Olympian Deng Yaping Joins Faculty amid ControversyThe appointment of former Olympic table tennis champion Deng Yaping as a part-time professor at China University of Political Science and Law has been finalized. The news has drawn criticism and accusation over Deng's academic qualifications and the appointment process itself. Do you think an Olympic champion is FIT to be a professor in one of the best law schools in China?

Topic2-Temperament is the FocusThe latest internet meme or internet fad is to post photos titled "temperament is the focus" on your WeChat moments, or friends circle. Is it a bit brainless? Is it just another fad?
Topic3-Post-grads Get Pregnant to Seek Advantage in Job HuntingBeijing Youth Daily has revealed that unmarried female graduates without children are facing a more difficult job hunting season this year. At the same time, more female graduates and even some undergraduates have decided to get pregnant and give birth to children during their university years. Why is that?
Topic4-7 Tips for Longevity: Laughter and Good SleepLaugh more, get some sleep, and get a tetanus shot. These are only some tips that supposedly can keep you live longer. Round Table will discuss how to go the distance in the best shape possible.