英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1210 - 结婚7年自动离婚(在线收听

Topic 1-Workforce No Longer Youth-dominated in China: SurveyAccording to a report by a leading Chinese university, the average age for a member of China's labor force is 37.57, indicating that the country no longer has a youth-dominated labor force. The survey also finds that basically people aged between 25 and 34 have higher income. What can the survey tell us?
Topic 2-Internet Commentator Suggests 7-Year Validity Period of Marriage CertificateRecently an internet commentator has suggested setting a 7-year validity period of marriage certificate on his weibo account, which he believes can solve a lot of social problems. His words have sparked severe criticism online. Could marriage certificate have a validity certificate like other certificates?
Topic 3-Apples for Teacher? Ministry Concerned about School BriberyThe Ministry of Education is to target gift-giving to teachers, illegal charging of extra fees and embezzlement in the education sector as part of China's corruption crackdown. Those who violate the rule will be punished or even be transferred to other jobs. Do you think it's going to work?
Topic 4-Are Luxury Student Dorms Suitable for College Students?
A group of photos exposed online show a set of luxury student dormitories in a private college in northeast China's Jilin Province. The dorm building is of European architectural style. The room is well equipped with an independent bathroom, a kitchen, and sofas as well. This luxury dorm has triggered heated discussion online. Is it suitable for college students?