
 Dear Annie:

My neighbors ask us to pet-sit their dogs every holiday, vacation, etc. This started 10 years ago, when my young son was friends with their son. Both boys are now grown and don't live at home.
These neighbors have an elderly dog that can barely walk, and they also have a puppy. Taking care of these dogs entails at least three or four daily visits to their house to walk and feed the animals. The last few times they asked, I made excuses that we were too busy, but they persist. They are nice people, but we are not otherwise close. We have a dog, too, but have never once asked our neighbors to care for it. We put Fido in a kennel when we go away. Why can't these people get the hint? - Frustrated NeighborDear Neighbor:
Stop pussyfooting around and tell them directly that you no longer have the time or energy to take care of their dogs. Give them the name and phone number of the kennel. Say you've found the place trustworthy and suggest they try it next time. Don't let them guilt you into changing your mind.