【英语早间课堂】One's requirement is that S(在线收听

This morning, I'm gonna talk about a sentence pattern to you which is : One's requirement is that sb. ( sth. ) should do. 这个句式表达的意思是:某人的要求是......。某人要求......。
Let's make a sentence to get a grasp of it. Look at this one: Their requirement is that every member should attend at least one meeting per year. 他们的要求是每个会员一年至少要参加一次会议。
刚才的那个句子是一个含有表语从句的复合句。主句是:their requirement is, 表语从句是:that every member should attend at least one meeting per year. 在这个表语从句中,“that”是连词,连接主句和从句,不可以省略。由它引导出的表语从句中使用了虚拟语气,我们来看它的谓语结构是:should + attend ( 动词原形 ) ,"should" can be left out. (Should 是可以省略的。)Should 这个“人”呀,也真够坏的,他使出的招儿让您掉进陷阱里, 因此大家在虚拟语气的句子中一定要对should谨慎再谨慎。
Let's look at one more sentence. Look at it: His requirement is that you be present in so urgent a situation. 他的要求是在这么紧急的情况下你应该在场。那么,这句话,“should”又在“使坏”了,它躲起来了,想让你们把从句中的谓语be改为are,这时,您可千万不要上当哦!
收听了上期早间课堂的朋友,您觉得我们还可以用那些句式来表述“他的要求是在这么紧急的情况下你应该在场。”这个意思呢?Think it hard and give me your answers. [Juliet老师,可以是这样吧:He requires you be present in such an urgent situation. 还可以是:It is required that you be present in so urgent a situation. ] Oh , boy! That's the idea! 我们来来回顾Jim的句子。 第一句:He requires you be present in such an urgent situation. 这个是用宾语从句来表述,其中省略连词从句中的引导词that 和情态动词should。It is required that you be present in so urgent a situation. 这句是把刚才的宾语从句改为被动语态,也可以说是用主语从句来表述,从句中省略了should。
此外,在主语从句的和在宾语从句中的状语结构不一样,第一句是in such an urgent situation., 第二句是in so urgent a situation。 我们说过了,so 和such 都是“如此,这么”的意思,它是一个副词,加强形容词的程度,如果用such,形容词放于不定冠词后和名词前,结构是:such + a + 形容词+ 名词,如果用so,后面紧跟形容词,结构为:so + 形容词+ a + 名词。 (to be continued)【温故知新】
Please translate the following sentences into English in three ways.
1 你妈妈的要求是你要悉心照顾家里的宠物。
2 上司的要求是你必须马上处理这个紧急情况。