
Sandfell was one of the funniest TV show ever. Pretty much everyone lovely. Everyone that isn't United State, and probably many other developed countries too. Because after all, anyone engaged and date grand would connect this show absurd take on the other quok details of modern life. But what about people in developing countries,  if we were to visit attribute deep in the amazen lived a more alert ..existence. If we plop them down in front of Sandfell. Would they get it? Probably not, but they would understand that something funny is going on. Why? Because they do laughter on the sound track. Scientists study emotion are found basica emotions like amusement, anger, feel and sadness are common among all cultures. And people from different cultures whether they are matter in the Americas or pretty matter in ... recognize sound cuse like laughter to signify specifically emotions. In other words, all people everywhere in the world laugh when they are amused and cried when they sad. And make scare sound when they scared. Even some noun-human animals like champs have a type of laughter. So when we find the same things funny or scare or sad that we all feel and express this emotions.
