
 I took voluntary redundancy almost four years ago now. I saw that as an opportunity to number one, to get rid of some debts so I paid off some bills. And that financial freedom then allowed me to developed some new skills, find out what I enjoyed in life, things that I was good at. And basically I have now developed what they call a career portfolio. And that means instead of being able to do just one job in life you are able to do more than one. Finn: Another person who benefited from redundancy is Helen. In some ways I was very happy that I was made redundant, because not only have I received some money, I received compensation but I also I’ve got a great job now that I really enjoy. Finn: So according to Helen, redundancy was good for her because she got both compensation and found a better job. Yang Li: Yes. I have read a lot of stories about how people rediscover their own talents after having been made redundant. Finn: So how about this; rather than seeing it as the end of one’s career, redundancy could be a wonderful new start in life, right Li? Yang Li: Yes I think so. As Charles points out, redundancy is often a great chance to reinvent yourself and do what you always wanted to do. I suspect, somewhere at the back of your mind you have a little dream of what you could have been and this is your time to be what you could have been. Finn: So Li do you have a little dream that you never quite made into reality? Yang Li: Well, I do. Finn: Do you? Are you going to tell me? Yang Li: Well, I think I will keep it a secret for the time being, but what I am going to tell you is that I have a philosophy. My philosophy is, always enjoy my career and be prepared for changes in life. Finn: Well Li, I think that sounds like a very mature philosophy. Very nice. And on that note we will bid you a fond goodbye from London. Yang Li: We hope to see you soon.
