
Mike: Hey, Amanda. Why do you keep on jumping up and down? I've never seen you so hyper!
Amanda: Oh, I'm just playing this new video game I got called "Guitar Hero." Have you heard of it? You push different buttons on this plastic guitar that comes with the game, trying to play the correct notes as they scroll down the screen. Basically, you get to just go nuts and pretend that you're a rock star. And most of the songs are real rock classics, by famous rock and rollers like the Ramones or Jimi Hendrix.
Mike: Wow, I never knew that you were so into rock! I always just assumed that you listened to bubblegum pop.
Amanda: Why, just because I'm a girl? Actually, my friends and I are already planning to form an all-girl rock band after we finish with school. We've even picked out our band name: Thunder on Your Foot. I'm going to be the drummer.
Mike: Cool! Maybe I can be your band manager.
Amanda: OK. Ooh, this is my favorite song: "Iron Man," by Black Sabbath. Do you want to give it a try? I have an extra "guitar," so we can play against each other.
Mike: Sure, why not? I'll show you how a real rock star does it!
hyper  (adj.)   亢奋的;过度兴奋的I drank too much soda earlier, so I feel really hyper now.
guitar  (n.)   吉他I taught myself how to play the guitar by looking up instructions on the Internet.
classic  (n.)   经典作品That old Hitchcock movie that's playing on TV right now is a classic.
thunder  (n.)   打雷;雷声When Jim was little, he was really scared of thunder.
drummer  (n.)   鼓手The amazing thing is that the drummer for that band only has one arm-he's never allowed his handicap to hold him back.
rock and roll   摇滚乐A: Most people don't know that rock and roll was actually invented by African Americans.
B: That's true. Everyone always forgets about guys like Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix.
to go nuts   行事疯狂;发疯A: Did you see the Super Bowl this year?
B: Yeah, it was amazing. The crowd went nuts after the Giants won!
bubblegum pop   以青少年为诉求的流行音乐;泡泡糖音乐(旋律简单好记,带有贬意)A: Did you buy the new Britney Spears album?
B: No, sorry-I don't really listen to bubblegum pop.