
Feifei:So you’re about to go to University… Emmet: That’s right Feifei. I start in three weeks’time. Feifei: And what are you going to study, Emmet? Emmet: I’m going to be studying Mandarin Chinese and Linguistics, a joint degree which is four years long. Feifei: Wow. Mandarin Chinese and Linguistics. And Emmet, have you ever been to China before? Emmet: I haven’t to be honest, so I’ve no preconceptions about the course, so I’m completely open-minded and it’s going to be a completely new experience for me. Feifei: Ok. And have you got a Chinese girlfriend? Emmet: I don’t, no. Feifei: So why are you interested in China and learning Chinese? Emmet: I’m just very interested in Chinese culture in general, in Chinese art and I mean, I watched the Beijing Olympics last year and it was just mind-blowing. And I’ve been reading up a lot about China and they say by 2027, China’s going to overtake the United States as the world’s leading economy. Feifei: So what sort of topics are you going to look at in the coming weeks? Emmet: First of all I’ll just be taking a look at student life in London in general. And what’s called Freshers’ week over here, which is, well it’s a week where enrolment takes place and you get to join a lot of new societies, sporting events and it’s an exciting time around university. Feifei: Hmmm. So Emmet, will people be able to write in to help you with your Chinese? Emmet: Absolutely. If anyone can give me any advice out there, I’d be glad to have it.
