【英语时差8,16】Film Sequels 电影续集(在线收听

Film Sequels 电影续集 Today we’re talking about the trend of big budget sequel films in Hollywood.And we’ll be hearing from Hollywood star Nicolas Cage. We have a mixture of views on sequel films. It’s very rare that sequels are as good as the original film, sometimes it happens, but very rare. I’m not really into sequels, I think once you’ve seen the film once, they’ve pretty much already told the story. I think a good sequel can actually improve the film that it’s a sequel to, because it can expand on the story. Have you heard of Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage? Although Nicolas Cage has made many big blockbuster films sometimes he finds that his films are up against heavy competition from big sequels in the cinemas. I have to keep hoping that we’re going to have original scripts and original stories, and not just a world of sequels, because I think that would be very boring ultimately. Strong feelings from Nicolas Cage. He hasn’t mentioned any film titles, but we know which films he’s referring to. They are making the choice to see sequel films and the film studios are picking up this information, and more sequels are on the way. But Nicolas Cage believes in the audience’s ability to rise above the temptation of sequel films and make the conscious decision not to see them. I have to believe that people have the strength and the will power to make their own choices and I hope so.
