
catalogues--目录hyperbole--夸张weary--厌倦Paperwhite Narcissus--雪白水仙 cluster--集群floral--花的Philadelphia--费城habituated--习惯于A Flower Fix Flower Gardeners begin to get restless when February arrives. Fortunately, it is a short month, and we know it won’t be long before we will begin to see some activity in our gardens again. In the meantime those of us who love flowers, will be in great need of a flower-fix. Some of us may fly off to warmer climes, eager for some sunshine and something blooming. Others may feast their eyes on the pictures in the flower catalogues that arrive in the mail. It is tempting to believe the hyperbole in the descriptions of the flower plants - and order too many! Our house plants are looking wan and weary in February - too many grey days and too much dry heat in the house rob them of their vigor, and like us they long to be outdoors again. Some of us may have some Paperwhite Narcissus bulbs in bloom and their highly scented white flower clusters can lift the spirits. We may find ourselves lingering in the floral department of the supermarket, or making plans to take a trip to Philadelphia early in March to visit the superb Philadelphia Flower Show. It must be seen at least once in a lifetime. For the habituated flower addict, some kind of flower-fix is urgently needed. If no one in our household reacts to our desperate need, I’d advise all fellow flower addicts to buy themselves some flowers immediately.