
Caring For House Plants All plants need air, but houseplants don’t get much fresh air when it is cold outdoors. Indoor plants suffer if they are too close to radiators, vents, fans or open windows as they dislike drafts. Move them back from windowpanes if it is frigid outside. Many of our foliage plants are native to tropical rain forests and love humidity. If there is enough light, they thrive in a bathroom or kitchen. A good way to increase the humidity is to group houseplants together on a waterproof tray filled with pebbles that sit in water. Place the pots on top of the pebbles where it is dry. The water will keep the air moist and the plants happy. Home humidifiers, indoor decorative fountains and plant misters can also improve humidity levels. Most home temperatures are between 68 to 72 degrees and foliage plants enjoy that range. However flowering plants such as azaleas and cyclamen like cooler temperatures. Flowers on plants last longer if they are kept cooler at least part of the time, so lower the thermostat at night. Plants like gardenias and Christmas cactus won’t set buds unless they have cooler temperatures, but once buds are set they will tolerate normal indoor conditions. Withhold water from the cactus to force it into bloom.
