托福词汇之数量表达 (三)(在线收听

   have (sth.) to spare 有多余的...

  例句:Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare.
  head and shoulders above 大大超出,水平高很多
  ?例句:I’m here in the Obama California headquarters… Barack Obama, for me, is head and shoulders above anyone else and it’s time for change and he brings the hope of the country.
  我现在正在奥巴马的加州竞选总部。 奥巴马对我来说,是远远超过其他人的选择,现在正是改变一切的时候,他给这个国家带来了希望。
  in abundance 大量地
  ?例句:School groups in abundance, in this author’s view, add charm to any museum.
  in quantity 大量地,大批地
  ?例句:As a developer you can now offer a lower price to a school when they buy your app in quantity.
  on a large scale 大批量;大规模
  ?例句:Raising poultry on a large scale needs more feed, which needs more land and leads to the cutting of the trees.
  plenty of 丰富,大量
  ?例句:He indulges his son with plenty of pocket money.
  quite a bit/few/little/lot 相当多,有相当多的数目
  ?例句:I tend to get quite a lot of such questions, and my answer is always the same – stuff like this cannot be fixed on the internet in general.
  rich in sth. 富于...
  ?例句:It’s rich in Vitamin and it gives us energy and vitality.
  safety in numbers 人多保险,势众
  ?例句:It's big enough to defend itself; there is safety in numbers.
  scores of 许多
  ?例句:The idea that loneliness spreads like a contagion was based on the observation that, over time, scores of loneliness seemed to spread to the edge of a network.