

mantle ['mæntl] 披风,斗篷
chartreuse [∫ɑ:'trə:z] 鲜嫩的黄绿色
dainty ['deinti] 优美的, 秀丽的
cluster ['klʌstə] 群, 球; 簇; 束, 组, 串, 团
frothy ['frɔθi] 起泡沫的, 多泡沫的
spray [sprei] 小树枝, 小花枝
dew [dju:] 露水
shear [∫iə] 修剪
shabby ['∫æbi] 破旧的
mollis 软的
If you like to arrange flowers from your garden, you will enjoy growing alchemilla, commonly known as “lady’s mantle.” The long lasting early summer blooms are an unusual chartreuse shade that blend well with any other color. The flowers are small and form dainty clusters, which give a frothy effect in a vase. Sprays of lady’s mantle can be used in the same way baby’s breath is used, to provide filler in a container with other showier blooms, to soften and enhance an arrangement. The plants look refined and fresh in the garden, as they are only eighteen inches tall and have prettily shaped leaves.
    The leaves are unique in the way they hold beads of rain and dew. It is a plant to admire when you walk around your garden with your morning cup of coffee. Use lady’s mantles to edge beds in part shade, to provide a soft effect; or mass them all together in front of taller specimens for a contrast of shapes. These perennials are reliable growers in zones three thru seven. They like even moisture and dislike too much heat. Shear them off if they begin to look shabby. Although there are about thirty species in the genus, alchemilla “mollis” is the best for our gardens and is readily available. Known as the flower arranger’s friend, lady’s mantle is an easy to grow plant that will add variety to your garden.