事实:动物栖息地的缺失是导致动物灭绝的重要原因-Habitat Loss is the Leading Cause of Extinction(在线收听

 Pre-Listening Vocabulary

habitat: the place where living things live
extinction: the state of no longer existing
threatened: facing a possible risk of extinction
24/7: all day and night; at all times
human intervention: the involvement of humans
Habitat Loss is the Leading Cause of Extinction
According to recent studies, approximately one in four mammals and one in eight birds currently faces a high risk of extinction. Though species extinction is natural, the current rate of extinction is at least 1,000 times faster than the natural rate. The leading cause of extinction around the world is habitat loss. Extinction rates are growing the fastest in areas with high population growth. In Kenya, armed men are currently standing on guard 24/7 as the last known northern white male rhino wanders around a conservation area. Even with human intervention, it is unlikely that the last male of the subspecies will be able to reproduce with either of the two last females in his habitat.